Publishing with Nal'ibali is a great way to share your talent | Nal'ibali
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Publishing with Nal'ibali is a great way to share your talent

Hello there!

I am Karen Olivier from Nelspruit in Mpumalanga. 

Being a primary school teacher and having two adorable grandchildren inspired me to write children's  stories. I decided to publish stories with Nali'ibali because I have first-hand experience of the positive effect that stories have especially on less-fortunate children who cannot afford books or don't have access to libraries.

Apart from the wonderful imaginary world to which children can escape through reading, it is also remarkable to experience the improvement in language development of frequent readers. I finished a writing course with Janie Oosthuysen ( Skryfgeheime) during 2019, and she recently acknowledged me being published by Nali'ibali in her online newsletter. I will continue writing with the hope of publishing many more stories in the future. I want to encourage all budding authors to send your stories to Nali'ibali. Use it as an opportunity to donate and share some of your time and talent with South African children. Having your story published with them also​ creates a platform for you to gain confidence in the pursuit of publishing more in the future.

 So, get your creative ideas flowing to amuse and inspire our youngsters! 

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